Hi everyone! Welcome my little corner of the vast unknown.
My name is Brenna, but I also go by Banana. This nickname was born out of introducing myself to new friends...."I'm Brenna; like Banana." My favorite color is green in all varieties. Hence AgreenBanana being my label of clothing and other unique wares. I am a Taurus in every sense of the word. Outside of sewing whenever I can, I love live music, the great outdoors, minerals, animals, and dancing. I recently got a custom made hula hoop from
peacebird . Everyday I get a little bit better at it.......
This blog is dedicated to the creative processes and fun adventures I find while using vintage, upcycled and new fabrics. There is never a textile I can refuse, whether it be a gently used amazingly printed bed sheet, curtains, or old t-shirts. I have always thought that everything and everyone has a chance to start over. :D
My inspiration comes from alot of places. I particularly enjoy fashion from the 1960s and 1970s. I also feel like comfort and adjustable is very important for any garment. I have been sewing since way back when I was 16 years old in Sewing I at my all girl high school in St.Louis, MO. That's where I learned a lot of basic construction and pattern alerations. I have since then been self taught through trial error. I love vintage sewing patterns and love to update them with modern twists. I have been selling my wares for about 4 years consitently over the internet. I take my craft VERY seriously and expect everything I make to last a lifetime.My sewing equipment entails a Singer sewing machine & a Singer four thread serger.
In the future I look forward to creating more unique designs for all body types. I plan to hone my applique skills to bring my doodles to life. Sustainable fibers such a hemp, organic cotton, and soy will all be a part of my path. I also am excited to dable in dyeing fabric. I am a part of the BEST etsy team ever. It's a collective of the sweetest creative anf fly mama's ever. Come and visit all of us at
Gypsy Road Meanwhile....................here are a few of my favorite things
Pablo & Lucia


blue and green perfection


bright and funky vintage prints
come visit my etsy shop >>>> AgreenBanana <<<<