Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Spring Fever

The warm weather makes my mind wander and shuffle around like the pollen in the air.

I am all too tempted to spend the little time I have before work hula hooping in the sun.......

I'm workin on a new swim suit for my ladies vaction next week.....

My mom, sister, aunt, and I are all flying out to Newport Beach, California for a lil fun and sun....... I'm such a crappy fly-er, but I am fully equipped with Dramamine and reading materials.

bigs hugs

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Raging the Recon's

Greetings all! I hope you are all enjoying spring as much as I am....April is such a great month. This is especially true because ends with my birthday on the 30th....

This past week I have been rampling through all of my cool printed clothes for reconstruction.....I think its funny how I can hold onto something for YeArS before I get the nerve to cut into it.....I have this fear of no turning back with my super sweet fabrics. 

 Nevertheless, I tell myself that I can always rip the seams out and start over......Oh man I think back to my Sewing class back in highschool....We had this special dressing room that my class converted and renamed the "seam ripping room". We had a nice lounge chair and everything for super CaReFuLL thread ripping......I am quite good a this now.....there is never a wasted shirt pocket on my watch ;)

I have quite a few items that are ready for pictures and posting, alas my work week has finally begun. I will be slingin' drinks and heady organic food for the next three nights.....

Meanwhile.....I would like everyone's input on one of my latests creations......


This hot lil number is made from upcycled super heady Star Wards bed sheets and an upcycled navy cotton T shirt.

I was thinkin about adding some sort of applique to the back of the top just below the neckline, but I haven't decided......

What do you think?


Monday, April 13, 2009

I'm Engaged!

Miguel proposed this past Saturday! 
The ring is white gold with aqua marine and diamond. 
He bought it from an artist on etsy, huzzah for handmade!.
I am officially engaged to be married. It hasn't really sunk in or changed anything at this point....we bought a house together last year. Even so, it's pretty exciting! We have absoltely no plans or a date yet.....that's going to be a huge planning task....we are just enjoying being engaged.
In other crafty news I went to a baby shower this weekend for a friend and of course I had to make's so much more sincere that some piece of crap from Taiwan...

Here's the gift all wrapped up from my stash of wrapping supplies that I reuse.....

I made three reversbile bibs with organic cotton quilt batting between the layers and there are rounded velco closures.


all tagged up

**If anyone is interested in a tute or pattern, drop a line and I try to put something together**

They were a big hit, people were baffaled at the fact that I made them (well all except my friend the mama to-be).....its weird how some people still haven't (re-)embraced the handmade way......

I freakin thrive on the handmade movement and love sharing the resource etsy with everyone I meet. 


Friday, April 10, 2009

Bounce Back

I fell into a sewing trance the last two days. 
Oh how I missed the rabbit hole.
It's felt so great to listen to my machines hum. 

Miguel and I had a major photoshoot..........I hope to add a boat load of items to the shop Monday April 20.......until then enjoy a little "tweezer" 

I made reconstructed and repurposed two shirts and stitched up an entire dress......

Here is a sneak preview of the shirts.........

You'll have to wait on the dress......a hint is that it features a certain 'Sea Princess' I hold near and dear to my heart ......


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Melancholy Mama

Hey Everyone. Here is a picture of my booth from over the weekend. The party flags were a big hit....and they totally brightened the space up (thanks for tip gypsy road mama's)

It was really fun having a legit spot to sling my wares. Overall it was a learning experience and a chance to network. I made more coin than I expected and I got rid of all of my business cards. I even met some cool local artisans.

The only downfall is that my digital camera is missing! I was pretty bummed, especially when I narrowed down the last place I saw it was when I went into work Saturday afternoon...... I don't know if it grew legs and walked out of my giant tote bag or what...... :( ARG!I don't want to accuse people because that's just not worth it, especially without proof. Besides, I am a firm believer in the Karmic cycle.

SO I'm going to cut my losses and apply the purchase of a new camera to my 2009 taxes.

I recently traded some clothing repairs for a giant bag of fun printed men's button down shirts and vintage linens(thanks Andrew!)...............I've got quite a few reconstructing styles I can't wait to try.

I will have more goodies in the etsy shop as soon as I can take some pictures.

