Does anyone have any tips for staying organized in terms of the business side of things.....?
I live and breathe sewing, but I could care less for the financial stuff. I would love to trade for everything, but trades don't pay the utlities or for the mortgage on our house. I suppose I should start with quarterly reports of my income, expenses, and so on. I am so green when it comes to that stuff........One my stitchn bitches (hahaha!) uses a notebook to record how much time she spent on each item. I should def do this.......I mean I have plenty of notebooks, but they are filled with sketches and doodles.
I managed to get my craft on today, in addition to family time, grocery shoppin, bank stop, and the aforementioned tax fun.
I made these super fun gaucho pants for yours truely it's been almost a year since I stitched myself something. My friend Tom gave me this fabric formerly known as curtains. :D It gave me a chance to work on my woven gaucho pattern.....These feature a drawstring waist and are extra wide leg. I see myself doin some serious hooping in these.
Bust a move.
I made these pants for the shop. I scored this super funky blue stretch fabric with viney-ness knit into the fabric. These are going to make some mama very happy. My little Lucia (loo-sha) liked these pants so much, she had to give me a pound during the photoshoot.

Last but not least, my favorite of the lot, olive green polyester stretch wrap pants with gorgeous vintage trim......This is the last of this particular fabric. Get it while you can. I have just enough for a custom applique I am going to offer in the listing once I get them in the shop.

I bought some vital wheat gluten at the health food store today. I am going to attempt my own seitan. I'm pretty stoked, I just started getting into the good ol'wheat meat. I SO over tofu right now because they do not offer recycling for the containers. I can not in good faith buy it, I mean there are only so many ways to reuse those awkward rectangle containers with no lid. You feel me? I will be sure to share my process and results.
Wish me luck and feel free to drop some wheat knowledge on me
your pal,
You are so cute mama!!!! I should start doing tiny dye baths with those tofu containers!!!