We stayed at our favourite hotel, the historic French Market Inn. It has all of the Southern Charm and architecture you could ever want.
The one.
Here we are in front of the St.Louis Cathedral. We later had a magical meeting with a fellow artist for the first time in person. You can read all about it here.
Our first day of Jazz Fest started with Steve Martin and the Steep Canyon Rangers. Be jealous, Dad!
Our good friend Josh went with us for the festivities.
Widespread Panic was so rockin!
Check out the sweet tribute flag to Mikey Houser.
Say Cheese JB!
One pound of powdered sugar per beignet and steaming cafe au lait. Repeat.
Late night Toubab Krewe to kick off my birthday. Who doesn't love a birthday show?!
We boogied down in a super intimate small show.
Our buddy Josh, took us on an amazing home tour in Uptown. I didn't snap a single picture, but c'est la vie.
We went to the awesome and psychedelic premier of Phish in 3D in uptown. Check it out if it's showing in your area!
Savouring our last night in the Crescent City, we let her lead us. We ended up on lower Decatur at this super fun Russian themed bar named Pravda.
The court yard was complete with classy music and turtles.
This is the skirt I made to wear on my birthday. This vintage fabric brings tears to my eyes it's so awesome.
I feel so recharged and inspired after a little R & R. It is way too easy to let work, family, and all the other details of life distract you from stopping and smelling the roses.
Even if you can't get away on a vacation, remember to make time for yourself.
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