Saturday, July 10, 2010

movin' on

It's true, I am movin' on.

Bigger and better things are great and all, but it means making changes.

I'm starting small and moving my blog to wordpress.

I look most forward to having my own website put together.

Wordpress will help with this.

So, kindly go to your blog feed thing-a-ma-jig and add

It will be better for everyone.

you'll get to stay close and grow with me at the same time!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Summer Sneak Peak

When I ordered my bridal fabrics this past May, there was a slight meltdown around here. It turned out my fabric was out of stock for two months.

Rather than sulk, I took full advantage of this time, waiting patiently to make the most important dress of my life. I refitted my vintage bridal pattern, twice. I made a few bridesmaid mock ups, and then I created a few things for all of you

I can't believe I made this many pieces this summer! I will be back in full swing come October. Enjoy a little sneak peak of what is to come.
